What’s the long term CRE outlook?

How Aging Millennials Could Boost The Economy and CRE

Millennials Aging Into Prime Spending Years

  • Americans aged 35-54 spend the most money of any age groups

  • This population segment is expected to grow by 5 million people in the next 10-years

The Great Wealth Transfer Could Bolster The Economy

  • The baby-boomer generation is the wealthiest in U.S. history, will transfer an estimated $70T-$90T to the younger generations over the next 20 years

  • This wealth will give millennials and younger Americans even more spending power moving forward

Investors Should “Skate To Where The Puck Will Be”

  • Many investors are focused on current headwinds, but its important to make decisions based on long-term expectations

  • CRE properties will benefit from heightened consumption, so now could be a great time to get ahead of the trend

Sources: Marcus & Millichap Research Services, Federal Reserve

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